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Calculate how much you save per year once you quit smoking*


Annual Savings

£ 0.00


  • £ 0.00 In the first week

  • £ 0.00 In the first month

  • £ 0.00 In 6 months

  • £ 0.00 In the first year

  • £ 0.00 In 5 years

*Saving does not include the cost of Nicorette products.

Every cigarette you don’t smoke means more money in your pocket. Our smoking calculator gives you a good idea of how much that could be – from one week in to a whole year after you’ve quit for good. The price of one cigarette may not seem much, but it soon adds up – whether you smoke 5, 10, 15, 20 or more a day. And if you’ve been smoking for a few years the costs (and more importantly savings) might surprise you! Check out our handy smoking cost calculator chart to see how much you could save.

Nicotine is an addictive substance, which makes quitting smoking (and vaping) so difficult. Nicorette also contains nicotine but is designed specifically to fight craving as you reduce to quit tobacco/nicotine. We believe that being free of both tobacco and nicotine is the best quitting outcome, so we do not encourage use of our products unless it is within the context of quitting (including reducing prior to quitting). If you have a concern or an issue with ongoing use of Nicorette, please contact Nicorette Customer Services or speak directly to your GP/HCP for further guidance.

2024 © Johnson&Johnson Limited

Nicorette 2mg Gum, Nicorette 4mg Gum, Nicorette Freshmint 2mg Gum, Nicorette Freshmint 4mg Gum, Nicorette Fruitfusion 2mg Gum, Nicorette Fruitfusion 4mg Gum, Nicorette Icy White 2mg Gum, Nicorette Icy White 4mg Gum, Nicorette Cools 2mg Lozenge, Nicorette Cools 4mg Lozenge, Nicorette Fruit 2mg Lozenge, Nicorette Invisi 10mg Patch, Nicorette Invisi 15mg Patch, Nicorette Invisi 25mg Patch, Nicorette Microtab 2mg sublingual tablet, Nicorette Nasal Spray, Nicorette QuickMist mouthspray, Nicorette QuickMist Cool Berry mouthspray, Nicorette QuickMist SmartTrack mouthspray, Nicorette QuickMist Cool Berry SmartTrack Mouthspray, Nicorette Inhalator, contain nicotine. Stop smoking Aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label. (12+ years)

Nicorette QuickMist mouthspray, Nicorette QuickMist Cool Berry mouthspray, Nicorette QuickMist SmartTrack mouthspray, and Nicorette QuickMist Cool Berry SmartTrack mouthspray contain nicotine. Stop nicotine-vaping aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label.(12+ years)

This site is published by Johnson & Johnson Limited which is solely responsible for its contents. It is intended for a UK audience.

Due for review: December 2026

Site last updated on December 20th, 2024
