Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health. You could start experiencing positive changes within just 20 minutes of quitting, as your pulse rate begins to return to normal. And the longer you go without smoking, the more your breathing, circulation and energy levels may improve.
Ready to quit vaping? Nicorette QuickMist SmartTrack is the first and only medicine licensed for vaping craving relief, to help give more power to your willpower***.
The Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape app can help you build a personalised quit plan, track your progress and give you the motivational support that can help you keep going.
Quit smoking or vaping and help break the habit with Nicorette® QuickMist.
Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape
Whether you’re looking to stop completely or want to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke or the amount you vape, the Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape app can help you stay on track and reach your goals. Our app is designed to be used with the Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrack, the world’s 1st connected craving relief spray*
Learn how to use the personalised quit plan and tracker on the app, to begin your Smart** way to quit for good.
Download our App today
*by technology to an app
**smart technology
*** vs willpower alone
Getting Started
Once you’ve downloaded and opened the Nicorette app on your device, the app will outline how Nicorette QuickMist, a type of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), can help relieve your cravings to become smoke and nicotine free for good.
You’ll be asked for some information about yourself and your smoking or vaping habits. If you currently smoke and vape, we strongly recommend that you focus on quitting smoking first.
You’ll be able to personalise your plan based on how you would prefer to quit:
Cut all cigarettes or vape use right away, or
Gradually reduce cigarettes or vape use.
After you’ve completed onboarding, the app will allow you to add your own personalised reason for quitting. You can also add or modify your reason, at a later time, from the app’s home screen.
As a final step in onboarding you on our app, the journey begins by committing to work on all steps of your journey, by setting and completing your goals, by reducing and tracking your cigarette or vape, and NRT use, until you are nicotine-free.
Setting goals
Once you’re set up on the app, it’s time to set your first goals. Breaking up your quit journey into manageable chunks can help you set out a structure that works for you. You can then set motivating goals at each level, which you can achieve at your own pace.
The Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape app focuses on four key levels:
1. Preparing to quit
The goal at this initial level should help you get mentally ready to begin your quit journey and encourage you to track your habits.
2. Reducing how much you smoke or vape
Set your own pace to lower the number of cigarettes you smoke, or amount you vape.
3. Going smoke-free or vape-free
Make it to 28 days free from smoking or vaping! Or if you prefer shorter intervals, you can try to go 7 days at a time to break up your overall 28-day goal.
4. Reducing your NRT usage
Once you’ve stopped smoking or vaping and your cravings have reduced, you can focus on lowering your nicotine intake until you stop using NRT completely.
Each level is completely flexible so you can adapt the goals to suit your situation. Even if you’ve completed all four levels, you can still go back and re-do them at any time.

Benefits of the Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape app
Here are some of the ways Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape app can help you on your journey to a smoke-free future.
Track your habits
Tracking your smoking or vaping habits is something you can start before you even begin your quit journey. In fact, your first goal on the app is to track your actions for a week to improve your self-awareness and get you into the habit of tracking.
You should aim to track on the app every time you:
Smoke a cigarette or vape
Use QuickMist mouthspray
If you are quitting smoking, and are using a different NRT to Nicorette QuickMist, you can use the app to track your NRT. However please be aware that the app has been set up to match instructions for use and maximum daily dose for the Nicorette® QuickMist range. Therefore the different goals and levels might not be appropriate for other nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products.
After you’ve logged your usage, it will appear in Your Progress and Your Trackings dashboards. You can then use this data to see how many cigarettes you’re smoking, or amount you’re vaping, and note down certain times in the day when you get sudden cravings. You should continue to track your habits throughout your quit journey, as every track is helpful. You can edit a time entry, adjust the amount of vaping or smoking, or delete any erroneous entry from the Your Trackings dashboard.
Access Support
The Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape app offers plenty of tips and support to help you stay on track. Head to the “Support” section and you’ll find a variety of resources, including:
Motivational tips
SmartTrack training
Health benefits when you quit smoking
How NRT works
Product details
Your quit journey guidance
Smokers can set a savings target
You’ll also find additional support for your personal goals from the “Your Goals” section. Click on each goal and you’ll find handy tips that can help you conquer your cravings and reduce your nicotine intake. Feel free to access these when you’re in need of extra motivation.
Smokers can set a savings goal
You can also use our Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape app to track how much money you’ve saved from quitting smoking. We’ll give you an estimate of how much you could save by staying smoke-free based on your answers to the sign-up questions.
Head to the “Money Saved From Cigarettes” section of the home screen, or from the Support screen “Savings Target” section, to see how much you could save in a month and a year, then set yourself a savings target for some extra motivation. Select a category – such as holiday, car or wedding – then create a goal amount. The app will then keep track of how much money you’ve saved towards your goal.
Using the App with Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrack
QuickMist SmartTrack is the 1st connected stop smoking spray for stopping smoking or quitting vaping. You can tap and connect it to your phone using the NFC-enabled technology. Then, each time you use the mouth spray to relieve your withdrawal symptoms or reduce cravings, it will be logged on the app’s NRT tracker.
Monitoring your nicotine usage means you can check your progress against your personalised quit plan.
Nicorette QuickMist SmartTrack can start to relieve cravings in just 30 seconds.
NOTE: The tap and track technology will only work with the Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrack mouthspray dispenser, but you can manually enter any use of other NRT products. However, be careful, the app will only warn you if you have reached the maximum dose recommended for Nicorette QuickMist mouthspray formats.
Download the Nicorette® Stop Smoke & Vape App for free
Get it on Google Play
Download on the App Store
Nicotine vaping cessation aid. Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrack mouthspray & Nicorette® QuickMist Mouthspray contain nicotine.Requires willpower. Always read the label.
Stop smoking aid. Nicorette® QuickMist SmartTrack mouthspray & Nicorette® QuickMist outhspray,Nicorette® Gum, Nicorette® Lozenge, Nicorette® Inhalator, Nicorette® InvisiPatch contain nicotine. Requires willpower. Always read the label.
The app has been designed to match Nicorette® QuickMist mouthspray instructions for use and maximum daily dose and therefore the different goals and levels might not be appropriate for other replacement therapy (NRT) products.