Many believe that quitting cold turkey is the best way to quit, or that nicotine replacement therapy is as harmful and addictive as smoking. We want to give you the real facts about quitting smoking and the truth about nicotine replacement therapy because quitting is hard enough and having the right information can help you.
Myth 1: I’ve Smoked for so Long, the Damage Is Already Done
Quitting smoking at any age brings health benefits, and the benefits start the day you stop! After only a year, the risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of someone who is still smoking, and after 10 years, your risk of cancer will have halved compared to someone who continues to smoke.
Find out what the other health benefits of quitting smoking are.
Myth 2: I Shouldn’t Quit Smoking Because I Will Put on Weight
It’s not unusual to put on a little weight when you first give up smoking but stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. Smoking can suppress your appetite, so it may make you feel less hungry. However, nicotine replacement therapy can relieve cravings and may help you control your weight when you stop smoking.
Myth 3: It Will Make Me More Stressed
The stress relief you may feel when you smoke a cigarette is only temporary. Research has shown that smoking actually increases anxiety and depression in the long-term. In fact, smokers may have up-to a 70% increased risk of anxiety and depression when compared with non-smokers.
Myth 4: Quitting with Willpower Only Is the Most Effective
In actual fact, only 3-5% of quitters are able to quit smoking using only their willpower. This is because quitting is tough and it’s OK to get help and support! Using an NRT product, like NICORETTE® QUICKMIST MOUTHSPRAY, can double your chances of successfully quitting versus willpower alone.
Find the right product(s) for you!